Tributes and Dedications
Generous contributions to BERNER Inc. have been made in appreciation of special people and in memory of beloved Berners.

Donated by Rachel Kregal Phillips in memory of her mother, Marilynn Kregal and her beloved dog “Sascha”, Maine’s R Silver Moon, CGC, TDN, RN, BN (BG # 85172)

Donated by Rachel Kregal Phillips - In memory of Libby Kesner with gratitude from the family of Maine's R Silver Moon ("Sascha”)

Donated by Kim Griswold - In memory and celebration of Marilynn Kregal and her beloved dog “Sascha”, Maine’s R Silver Moon, CGC, TDN, RN, BN (BG # 85172)

Tennescott White Mtns Moriah CD CGC BN RAE NAP NDD DD ANDD BNDD and BMDCA Working Dog award (BG #127313) Dearly loved by Buffy Bell

GCH CH Oleka's Main Attraction CD BN RI CGC TKA (BG # 127313) Dearly loved by Eileen Blass

Donated by Pamela Swearingen - "Hannibal was an exceptional dog - never got in any trouble, just enjoyed being with us and taking trips with us. He will be truly missed. We had 5 great but too short years with him."